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Post Meeting Shareholder Engagement
Post Meeting Shareholder Engagement

Evaluating past performance and properly preparing for success at your next annual meeting.

Key learnings from the annual meeting are often never addressed until the following year, ultimately forgotten and likely too late to implement corrective strategies. Alliance Advisors addresses this challenge in a timely, two-phased approach:

  • Phase I: We provide an analysis of voting data from NPX filings and other research to identify your complete investor base, determine how your institutional shareholders voted, their voting rationales, and what influenced their decisions.
  • Phase II: We then develop and implement a tailored off-season outreach program and communicate with the institutional shareholders. Through this initiative, we gather in-depth knowledge of the governance profiles for your largest shareholders, key drivers of the prior voting decisions, and which proposals met shareholder resistance.

The outcome is a highly actionable set of deliverables for the executive management team and board to consider well ahead of the next annual meeting.

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LHA Investor Relations is a leading strategic IR consulting agency. We partner with public and private companies to craft and implement effective, custom-designed IR programs that incorporate industry best practices. We are a leader in investor relations for small-cap companies for over 40 years. We go beyond in implementing IR programs that build trust and transparency between our clients and Wall Street. We support capital market objectives by increasing awareness, managing expectations and enhancing reputations.

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